Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Ellen's analysis speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ellen's analysis speech - Essay Example The speech was well organized because it began on a light note with humor and proceeded to more serious sections of illustrations and facts before it ended with jokes and humor. The impact of this style enhanced the aesthetics of the speech. It also contributed to the aspect of memorability. The transitions were evident in the course of the speech. They were mainly noted in the rising and falling of pitch in different parts of the speech. Parts of humor were highlighted in a high pitch while factual parts were captured in a low and serious pitched voice. The effect was to capture and retain the attention of the audience. The speaker’s introduction was effective. She began the speech on a high note and enlisted humor to capture the attention of the audience. The introduction prepared the audience for the captivating details in the rest of the speech. The speaker’s conclusion was effective because it provided a summary of the major themes discussed. The conclusion also eased the attention of the audience through the relaxation of tone and mood. It also involved some sense of humor through the jokes used. Credibility of the story was used through reference to personal experiences. It was also enhanced by incorporating details of current affairs and information. This combination enhanced the factual representation of the core issues of the speech. The speaker’s facial expression and body movement were consistent with the verbal aspects of the speech. She did not exaggerate her gestures and appeared to command some balance in the aspect of presentation. However, her last minute dancing seemed to go slightly beyond expectations. The speaker was effective in her facial expressions. She changed her facial expressions at different parts of the speech to demonstrate change of tone and mood. This strategy provides the means of adjusting the expectations and concentration of the audience. The speaker was sufficiently effective in her vocal

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