Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Wollstonecraft discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Wollstonecraft discussion - Essay Example This makes them as much rational beings as men are. Today, there are numerous women who do not rely on their appearance for survival. They have infiltrated professionals and careers that would have once been considered impossible for women. This has been made possible thanks to education. Although women are better empowered today than they were a few centuries ago, there is still a considerably huge percentage of the society that still regards the woman as a sex object. Unlike during Wollstonecraft’s days, education cannot be blamed for this misconception about women. Contemporary media and general socialization has more to do with it. There are those women who still consider themselves rationally inferior because the media likes to portray women that way. These women find strength in expressing themselves through their appearance. The good thing is that this kind of thinking is slowly fading as more women become involved in affairs of society. The education system is greatly helping in instilling the idea that women and men are both capable of rational though at the same

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